王 聪 主 要 研 究 成 果
发表文章: 1. Cong Wang , Wei Song, Lianzhou Jiang , Ming Du.Purification and identification of an ACE?inhibitory peptide from walnut protein hydrolysate, [J]. Eur Food Res Technol,2014, 239(2):333-338 2. 王聪,郑冬梅,王岩。食品检疫学实验教学的探索与实践[M]. 第四届全国医学类实验教学研讨会暨国家级实验教学示范中心联席会医学组第六次会议——“全国医学类示范性实验室建设研讨会”论文摘要集,2011,8:173-177 3. Ming Du, Yingying Kong, Cong Wang, Haibo Gao, Xue Han, Huaxi Yi, Lanwei Zhang. Proteins in heat-processed skim milk powder have no positive effects on bone Loss of ovariectomized rats[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2011, 94(6): 2771-2774 . |